B6 Bachelor AvataVR


  • Robert Dolibog
  • Vladyslav Kyselov
  • Imanuel Leiserowitz
  • Nathalie Claire Huppert
  • Karolina Serova
  • Danylo Vovochok


Martin Steinicke & Alexander Kramer

The Oculus Headsets

Thanks to the “Institut für Kultur und Informatik an der HTW Berlin”, which provided us with access to cutting-edge Oculus Headsets. The Quest 2 and Quest Pro, equipped with hand sensors, offered a seamless tracking experience, eliminating the need for external scanning setups. While these headsets proved to be revolutionary, navigating through app testing during the development phase presented its own set of challenges.

  • Oculus Quest App
  • Meta Developer Hub

Building the VR Environment

Due to the implementation of the OpenXR Library into the Game Engine Unity, we were able to develop an app that is able to be played on most of the VR Headsets available. This implementation is fairly new and often times riddled with failures, especially in connection with the VR Headsets.

  • Unity Game Engine
  • OpenXR library

Motion Capturing

To capture the instructors movements we recorded his speech aswell as his movements, in the Lab of the creative media team of the “Institut für Kultur und Informatik an der HTW Berlin” which draws a rigged skeleton by capturing the movements from 8 angles.

  • Captury (for real-time motion-capturing)
  • Blender (for cutting and cleaning the captured data)
  • Logic (Digital Audio Workstation for cleaning up audio clips)

Communication and Project Management

  • Citavi (literature database)
  • Mattermost (project board)
  • GitLab (repository)
  • Discord (online calls)