M1 Master Aquasolace Gaming for Future II: Turning the simulation into a game


  • Eliot Hoff
  • Kenneth Englisch
  • Martin Christian Solihin
  • Adib Ghassani Waluya
  • Sebastian Puetz


David Müller

Aquasolace is a single-player strategy and environmental simulation game. It was developed to raise awareness of the pressing issue of water scarcity. It aims to draw players' attention and educate them about this critical issue through immersive gameplay.

The Goal

Our project aims to transform a simulation game from previous term (Aquasolace WS23) into an engaging game. We focus on expanding game features and integrating biodiversity layers to the game.

Game Image

The Team

Our team consists of five IMI-Master students.

The Responsibilities


  • Game Development
  • Music Production
  • 3D Models


  • Game Development
  • UI/UX Design


  • Game Development


  • Game Development
  • Music Production


  • Game Development
  • 3D Animal Models and Animations

The Stakeholder

Nabu Logo

NABU (Naturschutzverband e.V) is an NGO with approximately 900,000 members (more than 1% of the population) environmental education, spreading of public awareness, cooperations with local groups, institutions and authorities to promote nature-friendly policies