B5 Bachelor PAM Project Modeling and Management


  • Margarita Boiko
  • Hamzeh Hamzeh
  • Anh Phuc Hoang
  • Lukas Oswald


  • Dr. Sue-Ann Bäsler
  • Martin Singer
  • Vu Minh Le
  • Mariam Maisuradze


The Project was both a technologically tricky undertaking, and a means for us to learn how programming projects will work in the future, with a large focus on Agile Development and SCRUM-style Progress management. We started by setting up a regular Scrum Schedule. Sprints were undertaken on a bi-weekly basis, with remote progress meetings every second week between the sprints, regularly on Wednesdays. We started off by examining the original site, and taking a look at the programming language that had been chosen for us. It quickly became clear that each of us had strengths that we wanted to implement in some ways, and so we divided the work between us based on those strengths. Some of us picked up the language quicker than others, and took charge of the programming of the features. Others strengths lay in organisation and presentation, and another had strengths in visual design, so we each focused on using those strengths to the project’s advantage. We set up “daily scrum”-style meetings on Mondays in order to prepare for the Scrum Retros on Wednesdays and be able to present our progress in a proper form as well as discuss the next steps before meeting with the Supervisor to be able to give more satisfactory progress reports. This moment of organization also helped us with getting more on track, as we started clearly defining roles which allowed people to focus on the parts they needed to do while trying not to encroach on the work of others and risk loss of progress.

We quickly redesigned the intro page before getting to work on slowly but surely recreating the original features that the site had that were supposed to be kept. There were a few difficulties when it came to working on the login feature and more, since we had to first gain access to those features from the Company, which took time. After we managed to get past that hurdle, we quickly redesigned the CRUD-Features of the site involving the diagrams and folders. Alongside every feature, our key designer worked on making sure they could translate the design we made on Figma into the new app, the features working as intended, the design being improved bit by bit. After reworking most of the old features, we started adding additional features like the move function, which required synchronization on both the frontend and backend parts, so we took those individual tasks and split them among the programmers. Every two weeks, we presented the results and discussed the difficulties, keeping logs of the scrum meetings to try and slowly build a stronger repertoire using that. And every meeting, we took one or two new features, divided the work and discussed the progress during the monday meetings.